What is Hatha Yoga Pradipika ? : A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a comprehensive guide to the practice of Hatha Yoga. It contains a wealth of information on physical postures, breathing techniques, and cultivating inner calm. This guide covers what is Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the main principles of Hatha Yoga, the Eight Siddhis, and the three…
What is Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)?

Bow pose (Dhanurasana) is a yoga posture that strengthens the back muscles and increases flexibility in the spine. It is named after the shape of a bow that the body resembles while in the pose. To begin the pose, lie on your stomach with your arms by your sides and your palms facing up. Bend or twi…
What is Mountain Pose (Tadasana)?

Mountain pose alias Tadasana or Samasthiti in Sanskrit is also known as standing asana or pose in modern yoga exercises. Mountain pose (Tadasana) is a foundational yoga pose that involves standing erect with your feet firmly grounded over the floor with your arms at your sides. This pose is commonly…
How to Use Breath and Mantra Together?

Breathing and mantra are two powerful tools that can be used to improve our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Both practices have been used for thousands of years in various cultures worldwide. They can create a powerful synergy that can enhance our meditation practice and promote deep rel…
What is a Chair Pose (UTKATASANA)?

The chair pose, alias Utkatasana in Sanskrit, is a yoga posture that involves bending your knees and shaping your legs like the practitioner sitting over an imaginary chair. In modern yoga, the Chair pose (Utkatasana), half squat or fierce seat pose, is considered one of the most powerful postures….
Importance of Dharana in Yoga – 6th Limb of Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga

Dharana in Yoga is the 6th Limb of Patanjali Yoga Sutras. It means focusing your mind on just one thing. You pick something to think about, like a word or an image, and try not to think about anything else. The goal is to become good at staying focused on that one thing. This helps your mind become…
The Power of 15 Minute Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety

In this fast-paced world, a lot of people are suffering from anxiety. This is because of the high work load, relationships, or things happening around the world. Mindfulness meditation is a helpful way to feel better about anxiety. Mindfulness is a helpful technique that can calm your mind and make …
Yoga for Men, Seniors, Kids & Women

Yoga is often perceived as a practice primarily suited for women who are already physically fit and between the ages of 18-30. However, yog is much more inclusive and beneficial for a broader demographic. Men, seniors, and even children can greatly benefit from incorporating yog into their routines….
Can Yoga Help You Get Pregnant?

Women everywhere can’t argue how great yoga makes them feel. And those trying to increase their chances of getting pregnant always ask me, “Can yoga help me get pregnant?” While there isn’t any conclusive evidence that yoga will help a woman conceive, it certainly can’t hurt. Here’s why. The Role of…
Focus on your breath, it guides your practice.

If you’re new to yoga, knowing what to expect can help you feel more comfortable and confident. Here’s a guide to help you prepare for your first class, covering everything from what to bring to how to focus on your breath. What to Expect When You Arrive The Atmosphere:Room Setting: Yoga studios are…