What is Para Vairagya?

What is Para Vairagya?

Para Vairagya is a term commonly used in yoga and spiritual circles, but many people are not familiar with its meaning. In essence, Pra Vairagya is the highest level of renunciation and detachment that a human being can attain, and it is considered the ultimate goal of yoga and spiritual practice……

What is Ajapa Japa? – Spontaneous Repetition of Mantras

What is Ajapa Japa?

Ajapa Japa is a technique that involves the repetition of a mantras typically performed with the aid of a rosary or mala. It is a form of japa, which is a practice found in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other spiritual traditions that involves the repetition of a mantra or sacred phrase as a form of devot…

Isvara Pranidhana in Yoga – Surrendering to the Divine – 5th Niyama

Isvara Pranidhana in Yoga

Isvara Pranidhana is an important concept in Niyamas in 8 Limbed Path of yoga. It means letting go and giving yourself to a higher power or a supreme consciousness. In this article, we will explore about what is the real meaning of Isvara Pranidhana, History of Isvara Pranidhana and how it is used i…

What is Soham Meditation? – How to do Soham Meditation?

What is Soham Meditation? – How to do Soham Meditation?

Soham Meditation is a Process to Achieve inner tranquility and peace of mind with the help of the Soham Mantra. Soham Meditation involves the repetition of “SO” and “HUM” while inhaling and exhaling. Soham Mantra is defined in the ancient Hindu Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and shows the identity of…

What is Rudra Meditation? Benefits and Techniques

What is Rudra Meditation? Benefits and Techniques

If you’re looking for a practice to help fine-tune your spiritual energy, relocate your purpose and meaning in life, and transform your being, Meditation might be the solution for you. This ancient practice has been around for thousands of years, with roots in the Vedas, one of the oldest spiritual …

Meaning of Om Namah Shivaya

Meaning of Om Namah Shivaya

“Om Namah Shivaya” is a highly respected chanting mantra in Hinduism that has five important and meaningful sounds. This chant is a strong way to call upon the Lord Shiva, who is the creator god of the universe in Hinduism. Lord Shiva represents the big changes and the new beginnings in the world. …

What is Mano Pratyahara? – A Detailed Guide

What is Mano Pratyahara? – A Detailed Guide

Mano Pratyahara is the ancient concept of Eight Limbs of Yoga written by Sage Patanjali. In Sanskrit, Mano means Mind, and Pratyahara means Withdrawal or Stopping. Mano Pratyahara helps to control the Mind and keep the Mind away from outer distractions like noises or things. By Doing This, A Practit…

How to Adapt Yoga in Changing Weather?

How to Adapt Yoga in Changing Weather?

Everyone knows that Yoga is very helpful for our mind, body, and soul, and it helps us well in our lives. But Changes in weather can affect our yoga practice. It is known that The weather can change our yoga routine. In this article, we will explore how to adapt Yoga to changing weather, why adjusti…

Shakti Tantra – The Union of Energies

Shakti Tantra – The Union of Energies

Shakti Tantra is like a special way of understanding how energies come together within us. It’s about combining the male and female energies we all have inside and seeing how they connect to everything in the world. This helps us learn about how everything was made and how it all fits together, kind…

What is Mahanirvana Tantra?

What is Mahanirvana Tantra?

The Mahanirvana Tantra is an ancient book which talks about the spiritual things. It is a guide that shares the knowledge from a conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva is a cosmic dancer and represents deep awareness; in this Conversation, Lord Shiva tells about the highest …